Est. 1898
Our Beliefs & Practices
We consider that Believer's Baptism is
a personal commitment to Jesus as Lord and one of the most important moments in our spiritual journey.
The immersion in water represents an act of repentance and cleansing. We emerge to a new life; one united with Christ in his death and resurrection and one publicly declaring our acceptance of God's calling in our life.
Jesus Christ created and authorised the local church to declare His gospel.
Church membership is important because it is the formal relationship between a local church and a Christian. It demonstrates our personal commitment as declared in baptism.
Being a member of Hopeman Baptist Church helps to ensure a strong church by bringing together christians who are willing to commit their time, energy, finance and their own Spiritual gifts and talents to the building up of the body of Christ.
It is an active participation in the crucial work of a church with the intention of building up the congregation while also passing on
the faith to new generations.
Communion or the Lord's Supper is one of the most central acts of worship in the church.
It is based upon the specific command of Jesus to his disciples on the night on which he was betrayed. They met to eat the Jewish Passover meal, during which Jesus took bread and gave thanks for it. With the words ‘Take, eat; this is my body’, he shared the bread with his disciples. After the supper, Jesus took the cup of wine and shared that also, saying "Drink ye all of it; For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins." (Matthew 26:26-28)
In doing this, Jesus established a practice that has been continued ever since by his followers as an act of devotion.
At Hopeman Baptist Church, we have communion on the first Sunday of each month. We invite all who have placed their faith and trust in Jesus Christ to participate.
Our communion elements are non-alcoholic.